
It’s a pip world.

A series of 7 Polaroids about the work of creation and the natural order of things.

It’s a pip world._01

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Assisted Living

A work consisting of 20 individual pictures showing German prisons, which are best hung in a block of 5 x 4. The entire work then has a format of approximately 222 cm high and 257 cm wide, the individual pictures including wooden frame with shadow gap have a size of 43 cm x 63 cm. All images are printed on Fuji Metallic paper and mounted on Alu-Dibond behind acrylic glass.

„This is the fascinating thing about prisons, that the violence is not hidden, is not disguised, that it presents itself as a cynical tyranny elaborated to the last detail, and that on the other hand it is completely „justified“ because it is embedded in a morality: Its brutal tyranny is the unadulterated supremacy of good over evil, of order over disorder.“

(*Foucault, Von der Subversion des Wissens, Frankfurt/M u.a.: Ullstein, 1978)

They will have been so beautiful.